Praxis Ethos Glitch Shark

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The Praxis is a new release throwing putter with similar flight patterns to a Proton Envy.  It has great glide and high-end performance for pinpoint placement anywhere on the course. The Praxis has a smooth modern feel that fits in the hand perfectly, lending confidence for approach duties. It exhibits high-speed stability and a minimal fade.

The first plastic type of this run to be released will be the ETHOS plastic.

Speed: 3.0 I Glide: 5.0 I Turn: -1 I Fade: 1.0

Additional information

Weight .200 kg
Dimensions 21 × 21 × 2 cm

Yellow/Blue – 173g, Yellow/Blue – 174g, Yellow/Blue – 175g, Green/Green – 174g, Orange/Green – 174g, LtPink/Green – 174g, Pink/Green – 174g, DkPink/Green – 174g, Blue/Green – 174g, Blue/Green – 175g